旧ソニー本社解体 / Demolishing the former headquarter building of Sony.
日常写真 / snap
The landscape was changed completely compared to several years ago in Sony-street. I used to commute by bicycle through the same route, but the buildings disappeared and were rebuilt as a luxury flats. The former headquarter office also started to be demolished from this week.
A canal along the Tokyo Bay. Today’s my running
日本橋の桜 / Sakura in Nihonbashi
この一ヶ月、ほぼ毎日日本橋に通っている。 先々週くらいから桜の蕾が大きくなって、歩いて
Hampstead Heath in a summer day/夏のハムステッド・ヒース
I tried to memorise the summer day in London. I’ll
A public viewing of Olympic games in Coventry, UK
I don’t own TV at my room, but fortunetely BBC p
ノラ・ジョーンズライブ@ロンドン One Flight Down
サウスバンク・センターのオフィススペースの壁を隔てた先はコンサートホールです。 そこにNorah J