Assignment5 Environmental Portrait 02: Luis, The Calder Bookshop & Theatre owner, 42.
ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Photo project, Course work
My life in London had begun in Waterloo in 2011 summer. Though my stay in the place was 6 months, I remembered the theatre related bookshop which was opened 2.5 years ago was so excellent atmosphere and unique architecture. It seemed to be one scene of a cinema. I thought to photograph the shop if the chance will come. Finally, The owner, Luis kindly accepted my offer. He has run this shop for 2.5 years. He is from Argentine. His concept of this shop is casual and friendly theatre culture for people.
The uniqueness is not only book corner, but also the mini theatre. The mini theatre was not recognised from the book corner due to the curtain. However, once the curtain was opened, the fantastic 24 seats theatre appeared. A drama and movie are often showed in here. This mini theatre attracted me again. I was also happy to become a friend with the owner through this portrait shooting.
My concern of shooting was the lamps from the celling. I need to consider the model’s position both the composition and the lamp effect against him. In addition, I estimated a flash gun does not work well, especially bounce lighting, because each spines’ colour of a book were not same and high celling. As a result, a flash shooting was tried but almost all photographes were taken without a flash.
As a training to use an ambient light as much as possible, my tutor gave me an advice that I should leave a flash gan at your room. On the other hand, remote flash shooting could be applied and improve the lighting more.
Any way, I enjoyed to communicate with him and think to succeed his natural pose in his environment.
It’s better to consider symmetric of model position about 1st picture. My tutor said ‘I can understand my tutor mentioned 70% of photograph work to move furniture to an adequate position now’.
The Calder Bookshop & Theatre
The Calder Bookshop & Theatre
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