Rethink project 02. Archive research/地域で保存されている古い写真から
UK, ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work, Rethink
As the first step of researching the dockland, I began to visit the local picture library in this area. There are many interesting pictures related with this local street and building.
This is one of them.
Watch House since 1821/監視小屋(現在:カフェ)
This small house called ‘Watch House’ in front of St. Marychurch. It was used for observing to prevent grave robbers from digging up bodies since 1821. “Bodysnatching was common in this area as surgeons at the local Guy’s hospital required fresh corpses and body parts for medical research.”[BBC]
Surprisingly, recently it has been reopened as a cafe. Very small nice cafe.
When I visited this cafe without any knowledge, this was completely normal cafe for me. But after knowing it, the impression is totally different. This is very interesting experience for me after researching this archive photograph.
Needless saying, our living time in one area is quite limited. Knowing the history helps us to connect the memory of this place beyond the limitation.
Probably I can find several unique places and the memories after this initial research. I will keep the research.
1976. ©The Rotherhithe Picture Research Library
1981. ©The Rotherhithe Picture Research Library
May 2013. [ILFORD 400]
May 2013 [ILFORD 400]. The signboard tells us this building was built in 1821 as a watch house. 1821年に建てられたと記されています。
May 2013 [ILFORD 400]. 200年前からいつ頃まで墓荒しを監視していたのだろう。壁には墓石が。
日常になる前の風景 ロンドンにやってきた
London College of Communicationの風景
留学中の大学の風景を紹介したいと思います。 9月から8ヶ月ももう通ったことになります。このくら
Degree Show Preparation-01 Layout / レイアウト @ London College of Communication
エッセイと作品の提出が終わり、いよいよ修了展の準備がはじまった。 この修了展では、写真、本、マル
Photo:’Curiosity’ at Waterloo Bridge