「 Course work 」 一覧
Assignment5 Environmental Portrait 02: Luis, The Calder Bookshop & Theatre owner, 42.
2013/03/02 | ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work, Photo project
My life in London had begun in Waterloo in 2011 summer. Though my stay in the place was 6 months
Assignment 3. Human relations 02 Mairead & Molly
2013/02/18 | ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work, Photo project
Mairead gave me an opportunity to observe and photograph her life with 3 year-old Molly. She was
Assignment 3. Human relations 01 Tomoyo & Hana
2013/02/17 | ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Photo story, Course work
3rd assignment was to photograph human relations between two people. My tutor explained th
Assignment 2. Street Photography
2013/02/15 | ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work, Photo project
Actually, the second assignment was Street photography. I shoot it in five different places.
Assignment 4: Formal Portrait Project Vol. 3 Zangmo, Buddhist Lama, 60
2013/02/13 | ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work, Photo project
Lama Zangmo is originally from Denmark. She first became a practising Buddhist in 1977. After 11
Assignment 4 Formal Portrait Project Vol.2 Ben, 62 years old, The Big Issue Co-ordinator
2013/02/10 | ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work, Photo project
He does not only sell the magazine but also supports home-less people to sell it from Monday to
Assignment 4 Formal Portrait Project Vol.1 Mr. Sonoda
2013/02/08 | ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work, Photo project
Kunio Sonoda, 82 years old, Translator & Minister. I had an opportunity to take his portrait
Review 1st assignment / 振り返り 背景に気を配ろう
2013/02/08 | ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work
今回は、1回目の課題の振り返りをしてみたいです。 次のような制限事項がありました。 50mmか35mmレンズ(ズームレンズ禁止)/ No zoom lens 50mmレンズの単焦点を使用。50mm単焦
仕事中の人「中華料理店」/ A individual at work “Chinese canteen”
2013/02/01 | ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work, Photo project
三軒目は、昨年から何度も通っているWaterlooの中華料理店。 ランチのお客さんが少し引く2時ごろに訪問しました。 5ヶ月ぶりに行ってみたら店長が変わっていました。このお店は、みなさん福州から来られ
仕事中の人「紅茶卸売店 Drury」
2013/01/28 | ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Photo project, Course work
今回の課題二件目の撮影は、70年の歴史を持つ老舗の紅茶卸売店Druryです。レスタースクエアの近くにあります。 昨年から、このお店のファンだったこともあり、紅茶とコーヒーをときどき買いにいってました。