A given new custom/新しい習慣
UK, 日常写真 / snap Life
One day night, a stranger who was drinking in a pub bought a flower for me and my friends suddenly. After returning to my house, I washed an abandoned vase and decorated the flower in the public place of our flat. It made me realise the flower can change the atmosphere. I liked it.
Sadly, the rose was out of bloom a few weeks later, however, a new flatmate replaced it for this new flower. It’s also beautiful! She might think there is always flower on the table. Probably, we’ll keep having a flower. (I’ve never thought to buy a flower for our flat before then.) The stranger’s kindness made the new custom for us.
Aya Miyama, the captain of Japan woman national team, is known for her pinpoint-accurate kicks/宮間のフリーキック
The kick accuracy of right and left foot is almost
旧中原街道は、このまままっすぐ上ると虎ノ門を経由して皇居の外桜田門に通じている。 この
My first photo book KOOPI CEYLON 写真集ができました