A quiet life in Canada Water, London
UK, 日常写真 / snap Photo project
The right side landmark is The Shard, Left one is Strata SE1 in Elephant and Castle.
I’ve started new project as an assignment of presessional master course. It’s London project. The requirement is very simple. “What do you find inspiring about London?”
I’ll focus on the harmony of the tradition and innovation in landscape of South East London.
Hampstead Heath in a summer day/夏のハムステッド・ヒース
I tried to memorise the summer day in London. I’ll
ロンドンオリンピック・女子サッカー決勝観戦 日本VSアメリカ
Picture1: Ginger 2007 /2: 2014 神社で拾われたジンジ
People were waiting the Queen’s ship
6月3日にエリザベス女王の即位60周年記念の祝典が行われました。 午後はテムズ川に女王が乗った船
旧ソニー本社解体 / Demolishing the former headquarter building of Sony.