修了制作フィールドワーク:Cafe Natural Coffee
ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study, 旅 / travel Course work, Photo project
The natural coffee bean is served in this cafe. This is the first cafe which concentrates on coffee in Kandy. In this time, I mainly stay in this cafe and research, plan to shoot and do other work.
Festival Day 8th. People came from not only other area of Sri Lanka but also all over the world. They are waiting the parade in front of our cafe. Exciting atmosphere. The security man tried to keep the space to the cafe, but he abandoned due to so crowded.
暗室実習がもうすぐはじまります。 いくらデジタルが主流で実際の実習や講義もそちらが多くなるとはいえ
Rethink project 02. Archive research/地域で保存されている古い写真から
As the first step of researching the dockland, I
Review 1st assignment / 振り返り 背景に気を配ろう
今回は、1回目の課題の振り返りをしてみたいです。 次のような制限事項がありました。 50mmか35m
Degree Show Preparation-01 Layout / レイアウト @ London College of Communication
エッセイと作品の提出が終わり、いよいよ修了展の準備がはじまった。 この修了展では、写真、本、マル
30 seconds film from my daily life in Sri Lanka