Project five Self-portrait
ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work
Imagine that you are about to hold your first exhibition and a number of newspapers and magazines would like to write about you as a photographer.
Your self-portrait would be used to accompany the articles and it would also be on display in your exhibition.
Produce a portrait of yourself the style and approach of which is up to you but the finished portrait should say as much as possible about you and your photography.
Requirements and timing
All of you should complete this brief. There are no excuses – you all have a camera and a model! Where and how you take the picture is up to you but you must complete the brief by the deadline specified below.
仕事中の人「紅茶卸売店 Drury」
My favourite Chinese canteen
春からドキュメンタリ写真のクラスがはじまりました。1日5時間。 とっても情熱的な先生で、22人
Rethink Project 01. Topic / プロジェクト「再考」のテーマ設定(日本語あり)
Until 21st June, I will devote my time to Rethin