Teacher R’s Work in Uganda[Video Edition]
写真学び / Photography study, 旅 / travel
I have added the sound with a digital recorder.
A new story in The Old Town /ワルシャワではじまった新しい物語
ワルシャワの旧市街地で、ふたり。 大柄な新郎が小さくしゃがんで、高さと視線が逆
Portrait Michael Carberry
Portfolio Web updated. I’ve added the portrait
Portrait in Amman, Jordan アンマンのおじさんたち
I’m visiting Amman from 24th March. Tal
京北の森 Forest in Kyohoku, the northern Kyoto
Assignment 3. Human relations 02 Mairead & Molly
Mairead gave me an opportunity to observe and