A temporal summer day/束の間の夏@ブライトン
UK, 旅 / travel Life
The landscape in Brighton reminded me of Eno-shima in Japan. My house was near the island until 2006. Then I often used to visit, but I think it was much older memory actually. The reason may be because I moved 8 times and changed my occupation and lifestyle etc for 7 years.
A beach side in Galle / スリランカ・ゴールのビーチ
After 7 hours train journey, I’ve arrived in the
London Olympic Ceremony. People are enjoying it
新しいフラットに引っ越してからもやっぱりテムズの川沿いがランニングコース。 Waterloo,
修了制作フィールドワーク:Cafe Natural Coffee
The natural coffee bean is served in
Arabica coffee cherry in a forest, Sri Lanka/森で育つアラビカコーヒーの実
The ripping process is different even in the sam