Review 6 months in MA Documentary Photography course / ロンドン芸大ドキュメンタリー写真修士課程の半年を振り返る


English version is below Japanese.


■1. 対象について知る技術(リサーチ)


自己評価 B





ただ、エスノグラフィーという文化人類学で用いられる参与観察法は、写真を撮るにも取材するにも役立つと思うので新たに学ぶべき項目に入れていました。クラスにケンブリッジ大学でこの分野を教える准教授が学生として来ているので、何冊か読むべき本を教えてもらいました。先生のおすすめの中から、夏の間に最低一冊は読むことにします。”Tales of the Field: On Writing Ethnography”をまずは読みます。






2. 何をどうやってつくるか(制作コンセプト、技術)



自己評価 B+







3. どうやって見せるか(発表)



自己評価 B+

デジタル活用はひと通りこなした。ただSri Lankaのプロジェクトなどのフォトストーリーは雑誌のレイアウトに挑戦してもよかった。また、ギャラリー用の伝統プリントも一度しっかり紙質やプリント法について学んでおくべき。







4. どうやってより多くの方に見てもらうか(拡散)


自己評価 B










image©Rotherhithe picture research library


Review my study from Jan to Jun 2013

This goal was set when the MA course started on Jan 2013. It will be reviewed the end of each term.

1. Research

Enhance research skill. Interdisciplinary is important such as social science, art, journalism and anthropology. Study and practice for the final project.

Self evaluation: B

Try to be more innovative with interdisciplinary!

This MA course did not teach the research methodology acturally though the tutors introduced the tree different researches. As I interepreted the MA course was completely practical base, the self-study and try and error through the course work is important.

-Academic research

As the accademic research in social and data science were my prevous expertises, it’s no problem. Generally, the approach way of a new thing is not big different from accademic research.

I also asked one course mate who are the specialist of anthropology in Cambridge university for the good books to study ethnography. I’ll read it during this summer. ”Tales of the Field: On Writing Ethnography”

-Journalism research

Fortunetely, one course mate who works in BBC as the documentary maker had the extra lecture about the journalism research. She taught me the fundemental frame work to explore an interesting topic and how to build it. It was useful for me.

-Art research

It’s taught in BA course, so no time to be taught in our MA course. However, when I attended pre-accademic English course in University of the Arts London, the course includes the basic research and analysis frame work in the art.

So far, I could have the overview of the each research methodologies. The most important point is to apply effectively for my final project.

2. Creative concept, skill

Review photography in both fine art and photojournalism. Improve photography skill mainly with a digital equipment such as still and film.

Self-evaluation: B+

The numbers of review were not enough. Of course, research and making a good relationship with my subject are surely important. In addition, I want to apply a new approach.

In Rethink project, the below things were applied.

-Archive picture: it’s new for me. The old pictures were applied for my landscape project. I visited two local libraries and explored the local pictures.

-Movie: 6 minites short movie was produced. I think the caption should be replace into narration. It’s next challenge.

-Steadicam Merlin: I spent one week to set up and two weeks to manage to control it. It was absolutely new challenge. It’s very difficult to use!

-Sound record: The sound of River Thames was recorded for the BGM of my movie. I don’t think it’s not so new challenge in this time. I thought it’s interesting that one course mate used a digital recorder with a condom in order to record the sound under the water.

3. Presentation

Review several different presentation ways such as gallery exhibition, multi-media, web and book. Especially, a print for gallery exhibition and book making are needed to research and practice.

Self-evaluation B+

Digital stuffs were enough. Regarding the layout of Sri Lanka project, the magazine layout should be applied such as some images and article on 1 page. The knowledge and experience of a digital labo printing needed. It’s better to catch up it during this summer.

-Picture without caption

-Photostory. 1 picture and caption in Powerpoint

-HD film based on still pictures, movie and sounds

-Accademic essay with the archive pictures


4. Promotion

Optimise word of mouth tool such as SNS in order to expose my work.

Self-evaluation B

The contents of my course work were often uploaded. But it was worth to write the process of try and error constantly. (I think to catch up it during this summer as well) As to the exposure of my work, it’s necessary to consider more concrete strategy and actual action.


30 articles were posted during this spring and summer term.

Spring[Jan-Mar] : 17 posts [16 course works]

Summer[Apr-Jun]: 13 posts [6 course works + 7 others]

According to the number of the post, it declined from spring to summer term even the same 3 months length. In the spring term, since the topic of the assignments were given by tutors, it wasn’t difficult to write about it. In the next term, however, I spent relatively longer time to decide the topic. The update should be more constant.


The course works were added as the contents.

-Social media:

Web, blog and twitter were linked, but this blog isn’t exposed on Facebook yet. The update is not informed by twitter yet as well. This point should be reconsidered.

-Legal point:

Model release is necessary to be signed in the case of a portrait project will be shared widely and sold.


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Reflective learningって何だ?

僕の出席しているコースは基礎コースなので、クラスの中にははじめて大学に入学する人たちもいます。 そう



では、実技に重きをおきながらもリサーチも重視する方針に惹かれて選んだLondon College o


フォトブックの編集:写真選び/ Photo book editing



Assignment 3. Human relations 01  Tomoyo & Hana

3rd assignment was to photograph human r


no image

Sri Lanka Natural Coffee Project / スリランカ・ナチュラルコーヒー・プロジェクト2013年春

The first café that serves a natural Sri Lanka



メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です


こちらにブログを統合しようと思います。 引き続きよろしくお願いいたし






日本は自分の生活圏内に桜があってうれしい。 確かに桜の名


ソメイヨシノより2週ほど早く咲いていた。 目黒不動は80


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