Assignment 3. Human relations 01 Tomoyo & Hana
ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Photo story, Course work
3rd assignment was to photograph human relations between two people. My tutor explained the reason of this topic is the like below.
Many of the most famous images in the history of photojournalism are what we call relationship pictures. How people interact is one of the key themes of photojournalism and visual story-telling. Almost every photo essay includes something about how individuals relate to and deal with those around them. Mastering the skills of taking intimate, involved images of people will bring your pictures alive, giving them emotional and psychological depth.
Tomoyo allowed me to photograph her and her 6 months year-old daughter in her place. She was a violinist. Now she is a manager for an orchestra in London.
I observed and shot for a couple of hours. During my stay, I could realise she really enjoy the life with Hana and feel a life of love. Though I met her only one time, their relations made me relax.
Tomoyo’s face against Hana made me imagine my parents face against me when I was a baby. Probably it is a sigh to put on a year. But I think it is not bad to be able to imagine it.
As the roof window light was so beautiful, I mainly took photographes near the window. It is very important to find the place which a beautiful ambient light is available.
Technical criteria:
Use one lens, 28mm, 35mm or 50mm [50mm used]
Use available light, not flash,
You can use BW,[In this blog, I use colour due to my favorite]
You can use a high ASA/ISO setting e.g. 1600 [ISO 800 used]
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