1st Assignment
ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work
The River Thames
Your first brief is to shoot a picture entitled ‘The Thames’. The river Thames flows through the heart of London and is the reason for London’s existence. From tranquil countryside to urban buzz the Thames reflects the capital’s surprising diversity.
you are to produce a single image that you feel shows one aspect of the river and the picture can be taken at any time day or night. You should try to convey a personal message in your image of how you see the river. When planning your picture think of the many aspects of the river, for example people, buildings, bridges wildlife, boats, commerce, leisure and history.We suggest that you shoot this project using a digital camera, then select and submit one final image. The digital file size of this image should be no longer than 20 X 25 cm at a resolution of 72bpi which should give a file size of 1.2mb. If you are unfamiliar with digital file sizes please ask a tutor for help.
Date, time and location of the review: 10.00 am on Friday 30 September in The Street Lecture Theatre.
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