Assignment_5 Environmental Portrait 03: Tony, Head Doorman in The Savoy
ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work, Photo project
SAVOY HOTEL is one of most luxury hotel in London. The door man, especially the head, has attracted me for a year. Finally, I asked him to photograph in his work place. I could recognise he is a head doorman as his air and confidence without any explanation.He was so professional attitude against me when I asked to photograph in this time. A high standard hospitality and pride starts from the entrance. I hope to become a right person to stay in here in future.
Condition: 50mm f1.4, 5D M2
Assignment 4: Formal Portrait Project Vol. 3 Zangmo, Buddhist Lama, 60
Lama Zangmo is originally from Denmark. She fi
ロンドン芸術大学では作品はどのように評価されるのか?/How to evaluate course works at MA course in art school?
小学生のとき、美術担当に柴田先生という人がいた。 いつも半分酔っ払っているような先生で、言動も行動
My favourite Chinese canteen
春からドキュメンタリ写真のクラスがはじまりました。1日5時間。 とっても情熱的な先生で、22人
Assignment 4 Formal Portrait Project Vol.2 Ben, 62 years old, The Big Issue Co-ordinator
He does not only sell the magazine but also su
Reflective learningって何だ?
僕の出席しているコースは基礎コースなので、クラスの中にははじめて大学に入学する人たちもいます。 そう