Hope Wharf in Rotherhithe / 希望埠頭
UK, 日常写真 / snap Rethink, Course work, Photo project
Photo. 2013 Hope Wharf
After passing the entrance of Rotherhithe St., Hope Wharf appears. I was attracted by this building when I saw it first time. This is simple and not famous, but it has strong presence. The garden next to the building seems to have the old memory of this wharf.
The building was used as the wharf until 1980s. Now this building is used as a luxury flat. The usage is completely different from the previous one, but there are still some small parts of the past memory of the dockland if we see it carefully.
Citation. (日本語一部だけ)
“The site of this late nineteenth-century warehouse was occupied by J Goddard’s open coal wharf and depot in the 1850s. The warehouse was later occupied by L Farrel and then passed into the hands of A J Gardiner and Sons, general wharfingers. It still survives and is generally known by its more recent name of Hope Sufferance Wharf. On the landward side an earlier nineteenth century granary building, which also remains, can be seen. The open space to the right of Hope Wharf is now a small public garden offering good views of the river and the wharf’s restored electric wall crane,”
19世紀後半に建てられた倉庫は、1850年代にはJ. Goddardによって支配され石炭を扱う波止場用に使われ始めた。
Ellmers, C. Werner, A. (1988) London’s Lost Riverscape, p79
Photo. 1980 /©John Harvard Library
It was perhaps taken nearly closure of the dockland in 1980.
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