Natural Coffee Roasting/天然コーヒーの焙煎
ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work, Photo project
Roasting process of Natural Coffee. As his first work of roasting, the each steps were confirmed carefully. Finally, coffee beans came out with the attractive coffee flavour.
A Japanese teacher in a small village in Uganda
Teacher R. on Flickr.
Assignment 3. Human relations 02 Mairead & Molly
Mairead gave me an opportunity to observe and
アートリサーチにどれだけ時間を費やすのか/How long do you spend for your research of art?
Rethink project 02. Archive research/地域で保存されている古い写真から
As the first step of researching the dockland, I
仕事中の人「中華料理店」/ A individual at work “Chinese canteen”
三軒目は、昨年から何度も通っているWaterlooの中華料理店。 ランチのお客さんが少し引く2時ごろ