Portrait in Amman, Jordan アンマンのおじさんたち
旅 / travel Photo project
I’m visiting Amman from 24th March.
Talking about Jordan vs Japan football match 26th for W cup with some local people. According to their opinions, Jordan team is the best member than ever before.
Their expectation is that Jordan would win for 2-1! Mine was 0-3 for Japan. However, actually their expectation came true!
As my spring semester outcome, I could ask a stranger to photograph without hesitation. I always respect my model and just ask it!
Rotherhithe guided walking tour / ロザハイス・散策ツアー
I joined the local walking tour from Bermondsey
受け入れることと変えていく挑戦 ウガンダでの挑戦
受け入れることと変えていく挑戦 今回の旅の目的は、同年代のRさんが小さな村で教師としてどんな風にし
Sri Lanka Natural Coffee Project / スリランカ・ナチュラルコーヒー・プロジェクト2013年春
The first café that serves a natural Sri Lanka
Stars in Nsawo, UGANDA / ウガンダの星空
Nsawoで電気が利用できる家庭はまだ少ないです。 そんな環境なので、夜はほんとうの闇が包みます
A Japanese teacher in a small village in Uganda
Teacher R. on Flickr.