ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work
では、実技に重きをおきながらもリサーチも重視する方針に惹かれて選んだLondon College of Communication MA Photojournalism and Documentary Photographyのコースは何を目指しているのでしょうか。
The course is intended to equip you with the theoretical, methodological and practical tools to operate at a professional level in the field of photojournalism and documentary photography, working across a range of markets and media, including newspapers, magazines, galleries and books.
Photojournalism Practice[40] 400h フォトジャーナリズム実技 1学期目
This unit aims to equip you with the necessary theoretical, methodological and practical frameworks necessary for the research and production of photo essays suitable for publication in an editorial context. The unit will progress from the shooting of single pictures to the construction of short journalistically driven photo essays, exploring the relevant technical, aesthetic and journalistic aspects. It will also address issues of ideas generation, research, caption writing, and picture editing, and the application of multimedia techniques in narrative storytelling.
History of Photojournalism and Documentary Photography[20] 200h フォトジャーナリズムとドキュメンタリー写真の歴史 1学期目
This unit will position contemporary practice within its historical context by an analysis of major photographers and movements within the field of photojournalism and documentary photography. Particular attention will be paid to how the work of previous generations of practitioners related to their social, political and economic context.
Documentary Practice with Research[40] 400h リサーチ方法論に基づいたドキュメンタリー実技 2学期目
This unit aims to further develop the methodology learned in Photojournalism Practice and also to equip you with the analytical methods necessary to research and produce an extended photo essay or documentary project, whilst encouraging you to explore your own potential within the medium and to develop your own individual photographic vision. It will also examine the marketplace for photography, including the role played by agencies, and legal issues including copyright and privacy. This unit challenges you to rethink your practice by experimenting with a new approach. The process and journey of exploration that is made is as important as the destination, i.e. the final product. In addition to the practice portfolio itself, you are required to evidence your explorations in a reflective way and to write a critical report as part of the final assessment.
Critical Perspectives on Photojournalism and Documentary Photography[20] 200h フォトジャーナリズム・ドキュメンタリー写真の批評法 2学期目
This unit will position contemporary practice within its larger social, political and economic context. The unit will equip you with a theoretical and ethical framework with which to inform your practice. Particular focus will be paid to questions of truth and objectivity, and issues of ethics and representation.
Major Project[60] 600h 卒業制作 3学期目
The Major Project is an original self-directed major research project involving the development and production of a substantial body of photographic work, supported by a critical, analytical and evaluative report. You will also write a proposal and full captions to a professional standard. You will be expected to apply the methodologies developed on the course, and demonstrate evidence of a mature and considered personal vision.
留学中の勉強相談 チュートリアル
今日は2回目のチュートリアルでした。 イギリスの教育システムでは、学生に対して指導教員が3~5名のチ
フォトブックの表紙/Cover design
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小学生のとき、美術担当に柴田先生という人がいた。 いつも半分酔っ払っているような先生で、言動も行動
Review 1st assignment / 振り返り 背景に気を配ろう
今回は、1回目の課題の振り返りをしてみたいです。 次のような制限事項がありました。 50mmか35m