Project three: ‘Forgotten’
ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study Course work
For all those of you who thought Red was your next project forget it, it’s not!
Your next project has the title “Forgotten”
This is an open brief left entirely to you to decide what to shoot. The word Forgotten may be translated in many ways possibly as nostalgic reflection or as a descriptor of a group, individuals, or places. Research your project, contextualise your thinking in references and notes.
Forgotten is the past participle of the word forgot that can mean:To be unable to remember (something)
To treat with thoughtless inattention, neglect
To leave behind unintentionally.
To fail to mention.
To banish from one’s thoughts, forget a disgrace.
Informal – To disregard on purpose. Usually used in the imperative: “Oh, forget it. I refuse to go!”
To cease remembering: Let’s forgive and forget.
To fail or neglect to become aware at the proper or specified moment: forgot about my dental appointment.Your interpretation does not have to be literal it can be completely abstract if you wish.
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