「 Photo project 」 一覧
St Mary Rotherhithe(Charity school) / 聖メアリーロザハイス(無償塾)
2013/07/23 | UK, 写真学び / Photography study Course work, Photo project, Rethink
‘Founded by Peter Hill and Robert Bell in 1613. Removed here 1797.’ The school educated ‘sons of s
Thames landscape along Rotherhithe in 1963 and 2013 テムズ川ロザハイス沿いの風景 1963年、2013年
2013/07/18 | UK, 写真学び / Photography study Course work, Photo project, Rethink
There is no ship any more without leisure boats. The atmosphere of the dockland, however, is sti
The Angle Pub in London / パブ・エンジェル@ロンドン
2013/07/14 | UK, 写真学び / Photography study Course work, Photo project, Rethink
One of the most favourite pub along the river side. The history of this pub is interesting, in 162
Rotherhithe guided walking tour / ロザハイス・散策ツアー
2013/07/05 | UK, 旅 / travel Rethink, Course work, Photo project
I joined the local walking tour from Bermondsey to Rotherhithe. This tour was the short cut to kno
Hope Wharf in Rotherhithe / 希望埠頭
2013/06/26 | UK, 日常写真 / snap Course work, Photo project, Rethink
Photo. 2013 Hope Wharf After passing the entrance of Rotherhithe St., Hope Wharf appears. I was a
The Portraits of Natural Cafe staff in Kandy, Sri Lanka / ポートレイト@スリランカ
2013/06/17 | 写真学び / Photography study, 旅 / travel Photo project
At the inside of the cafe which was not renovated. They studied and practiced the professional l
Sri Lanka Natural Coffee Project / スリランカ・ナチュラルコーヒー・プロジェクト2013年春
2013/05/22 | ロンドン芸大 / Uni Arts London, 写真学び / Photography study, 旅 / travel Course work, Photo project
The first café that serves a natural Sri Lankan coffee will be opened next to a world heritage i
Portrait in Amman, Jordan
2013/04/25 | 旅 / travel Photo project
The Spring semester finished at the middle of March. The new course assignment always pushed me t
Dead Sea, Jordan
2013/04/16 | 旅 / travel Photo project
あまり説明はいらない有名な死海。辺り一面は、高級リゾート地として4つ星以上のホテルが立ち並ぶ。ホテルから庭を通じて死海へアクセスできて、ひとの手が入りきれいにつくりあげられたビーチがある。 だか
Centre of Amman, Jordan
2013/04/16 | 旅 / travel Photo project
'Lonely Planet'という英国版'地球の歩き方'に、ヨルダンの名物は温かいおもてなしとあった。実際、町を歩いていると人々は非常に親切にしてくれた。折しも、サッカーの対戦があったのでややそ