The Angle Pub in London / パブ・エンジェル@ロンドン
One of the most favourite pub along the river side. The history of this pub is interesting, in 1620 ” Christopher Jones, captain of the Mayflower, is said to have hired crew here”. This photo was taken at the time of the low tide. The water comes near the terrace during the high tide. The customers are different after the dockland closure in 1980s.
Archive pictures: ©The Rotherhithe Picture Research Library
The picture was taken in 1930.
A fogged glass art of a train head north / 曇りガラスの美。
北への列車にて。 — to Edingburgh
Assignment 3. Human relations 01 Tomoyo & Hana
3rd assignment was to photograph human r
Hampstead Heath in a summer day/夏のハムステッド・ヒース
I tried to memorise the summer day in London. I’ll
Peacock Hill, Coffee Estate, Sri Lanka /スリランカの旧コーヒー産地を探索
ドキュメンタリーリサーチ / Research for documentary
大学院のコースには実にさまざまな経歴の人が在籍しています。 そんなひとりにBBCの敏腕プロデューサー